In any project and program management services client mandate, our preference is to procure all necessary third-party consultants ourselves, as subcontractor.  In this case, we can directly manage and control timely performance of each of the subconsultants as well as the quality and timely performance of the overall project/program deliverables.  However, in some cases, where a client may already have contracted significant outside third-party consultant and/or may have significant internal staffing and resources that are available to contribute to certain elements of the overall project of program.  In this case, are also happy to take-over overall project/program management responsibilities from the client and integrate the client's internal staffing and external retain third-party resources into our team.  

DCS experts have a great deal of experience with integrating, training and managing multi-cultural teams, comprised of personnel from various geographies and professional backgrounds.  As an added-value benefit, we can also assist the client in achieving training and capacity-building objectives for their internal staffs.

DCS experts provide comprehensive project and program management services in the following sectors that we specialize in.  Please click on the below links to learn more about the sectors that we cover:

DCS experts provide comprehensive project and program management services to the following categories of clients:

project and program management services

subcontractor and consultant management



dcs advisory Experts team

subcontrator management

Daniel Dean

Vienna, Austria

Paul Murphy

Washington DC, USA

Lloyd Richardson
Washington NC, USA

Chris Hanson

Lewes DE, USA

Victor Saltão

Atlanta, USA

Paul Warren

Vancouver, Canada

Meet Our Subcontractor Management Experts Team!