dcs advisory Experts team

water & wastewater networks

Daniel Dean

Vienna, Austria

LLoyd Richardson

Washington NC, USA

Meet Our Water & Wastewater Networks Experts Team!

water & wastewater infrastructure

WATER distribution & wastewater collection systems


SECTORS covered

Provision of clean, safe and microbiologically controlled drinking water to regional and local populations, as well as the provision of treated or untreated water suitable for industry, agriculture and fire suppression and treatment of sewage, industrial and storm water runoff are all key public services in any region.  The infrastructure required to provide these basic water and wastewater systems are significant and capital intensive.  Unfortunately, in many developing and underdeveloped regions of the world, basic and universal access to potable water and to wastewater sewage is out of reach for millions of people.  As a result, many of these populations face deadly public health risks and environmental implications related to contaminated and unsafe water.  In the developed world, where access to clean water and sewage treatment is often taken for granted by citizens, ageing water and sewer infrastructure suffering from decades of underinvestment can also put significant populations at-risk due to potential contamination due to water and wastewater system failures.   Therefore, in all regions of the world there is a significant need to properly plan, develop, operate, maintain and manage water and wastewater infrastructure over a long-term period.

Municipal and regional water distribution systems consist of networks of underground and overland pipe distribution networks, pumping stations, storage tanks, treatment plants and wells that interconnect source water from aquifers, aqueducts, lakes, rivers, reservoirs, streams and springs (and/or from seawater, in cases where desalination is utilized).  In current times, due to disproportionate population growth in regions insufficiently endowed with freshwater resources, and the evolving impacts of climate change, many municipalities and regions are now also developing water re-use, conservation and demand management policies and programs.  Such programs and policies can help significantly reduce per-capita fresh water consumption, by re-using treated municipal, industrial and storm wastewater collections for uses including agriculture, industry, regional/municipal irrigation and recharging of aquifers.   To the extent that "water consumption and re-use circuits" or "water recycling circuits" can become more localized within neighborhoods, communities and zones, this can also significantly reduce system energy consumption required for pumping and treatment operations.

DCS experts can assist public and private sector clients in evaluating, planning, financing, developing, constructing, operating and managing water and wastewater system infrastructure and related networks.  We can add significant value through application of innovative technologies and processes, and public-private partnerships in the water and wastewater sector.  Our advisory services help our clients align the benefits of private sector capital, innovation, "know-how", efficiencies and management capabilities with the public sector objectives of most efficiently providing and ensuring safe, clean and microbiologically-controlled water and wastewater treatment to citizens at affordable prices.  Our experts also have significant experience and competence in delivering sludge energy recovery assets within the various market model contexts, including under a regulated or deregulated utility regime, and public-private partnership contractual models such as regulated user-fee, availability or hybrid concession agreements.  

Please click on the below links to learn more about the specific services related to water distribution and wastewater collection facilities that DCS experts can offer:​

DCS focuses on providing the above services in the water distribution and wastewater collection segment to the following categories of clients: